Names Starting with v
1. Victor 15.4M
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List of Famous People with First Name Victor (584)
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2. Vladimir 8.6M
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List of Famous People with First Name Vladimir (689)
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3. Vijay 8.0M
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List of Famous People with First Name Vijay (26)
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4. Victoria 7.6M
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List of Famous People with First Name Victoria (402)
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5. Veronica 7.4M
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List of Famous People with First Name Veronica (143)
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6. Vinod 6.6M
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List of Famous People with First Name Vinod (10)
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7. Vera 6.2M
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List of Famous People with First Name Vera (205)
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8. Vincent 4.9M
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List of Famous People with First Name Vincent (322)
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9. Valentina 4.6M
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List of Famous People with First Name Valentina (86)
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