Most Common Surnames in South Governorate (Lebanon)

South Governorate is one of the governorates of Lebanon. South Lebanon has a population of 500,000 inhabitants and an area of 929.6 km². The capital is Sidon. The lowest elevation is sea-level; the highest is 1,000 meters. The local population is religiously diverse and includes Shia and Sunni Muslims, Druze, Orthodox, Maronite, Protestant, and Greek Catholic Christians. Temperatures can drop to 4 °C during winter with much rain and snow on the higher ground. In the humid summer, temperatures can rise to 30 °C in the coastal areas. The governorate has several rivers: the Litani, Zahrani, Naqura, Awali, Qasmiye, and Hasbani. The area is famous for its citrus and banana farms. Its main cities are Sidon, Tyre and Jezzine.

1. El Din 12.6k
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2. Khalil 7.2k
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3. Khalifa 7.1k
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4. Allah 6.1k
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5. Hamoud 5.6k
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6. Hegazy 5.0k
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7. Farhat 4.5k
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8. Haidar 4.2k
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9. Fawaz 4.2k
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10. Fakih 4.2k
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