Most Common Surnames in Donga Department (Benin)

Donga is one of the twelve departments of Benin; its capital is Djougou, the fourth largest city in the country. The department of Donga was created in 1999 when it was split off from Atakora Department. Donga is subdivided into five communes, each centered at one of the principal towns: Bassila, Copargo, Djougou Rural, Djougou Urban and Ouaké.

1. Idrissou 9.8k
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Haven't heard it
2. Alassane 9.6k
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Haven't heard it
3. Boukari 9.3k
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Haven't heard it
4. Adamou 8.1k
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5. Salifou 7.9k
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6. Moussa 7.5k
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7. Mamam 7.2k
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8. Boni 7.1k
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Haven't heard it
9. Worou 6.7k
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Haven't heard it
10. Issifou 6.4k
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Haven't heard it
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