Forename Magdalene

female name German English Biblical Biblical Latin Biblical Greek
(de-DE, robot)
Baby Name Popularity of Name Magdalene
Short & Diminutives
Also written as
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country Rank Count
Dominica 55 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Grenada 103 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Saint-lucia 155 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany 424 29.0k
-- Code ? ?
United-states-virgin-islands 549 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Cameroon 568 6.9k
-- Code ? ?
Kenya 614 11.8k
-- Code ? ?
Nigeria 849 33.8k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland 856 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Saint-vincent-and-the-grenadines 858 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Liberia 939 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Papua-new-guinea 1091 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Trinidad-and-tobago 1190 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Puerto-rico 1309 <1k
-- Code ? ?
South-africa 1458 6.5k
-- Code ? ?
Saint-kitts-and-nevis 1664 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Uganda 2069 1.3k
-- Code ? ?
Malaysia 2141 1.0k
-- Code ? ?
Marshall-islands 2936 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Region Rank Count
Cameroon, Northwest-region 121 3.6k
-- Code ? ?
Nigeria, Akwa-ibom 137 7.1k
-- Code ? ?
Cameroon, Southwest-region 138 2.5k
-- Code ? ?
Marshall-islands, Lae-atoll 145 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Kenya, Makueni-county 163 1.7k
-- Code ? ?
Papua-new-guinea, Bougainville 173 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, North-rhine-westphalia 264 16.8k
-- Code ? ?
South-africa, Western-cape 342 3.5k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Mecklenburg-vorpommern 386 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Uganda, Katakwi-district 402 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Thuringia 418 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Schleswig-holstein 424 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Papua-new-guinea, West-sepik 441 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Malaysia, Sarawak 480 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, East-lothian 485 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Rhineland-palatinate 520 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Hesse 521 1.3k
-- Code ? ?
Nigeria, Nasarawa 538 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Fife 560 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Saxony-anhalt 588 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Uganda, Serere-district 592 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Bremen 594 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Baden-württemberg 621 1.2k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Saxony 628 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Puerto-rico, San-juan 653 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Saarland 718 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Germany, Brandenburg 722 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Marshall-islands, Jaluit-atoll 731 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Uganda, Amudat-district 749 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Angus 769 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, West-lothian 822 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Liberia, Grand-cape-mount-county 835 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Trinidad-and-tobago, Eastern-tobago 889 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Uganda, Nakapiripirit-district 922 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Highland 924 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Nigeria, Lagos 948 1.9k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Shetland 1054 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Saint-kitts-and-nevis, Nevis 1421 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Famous People with name Magdalene
Famous People with name Magdalene
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