Forename Surname

Forename Hamish

male name Scottish
Feminine forms
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country Rank Count
New-zealand 171 6.2k
-- Code ? ?
Falkland-islands 212 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland 313 2.4k
-- Code ? ?
Australia 445 5.3k
-- Code ? ?
Oceania 451 11.5k
-- Code ? ?
Isle-of-man 525 <1k
-- Code ? ?
England 1113 3.3k
-- Code ? ?
Afghanistan 3188 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Nauru 5109 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Region Rank Count
New-zealand, Wellington-region 114 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Highland 159 <1k
-- Code ? ?
New-zealand, Auckland-region 165 1.9k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Shetland 241 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Angus 255 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Scottish-borders 280 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, East-lothian 291 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Aberdeen-city 309 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Fife 339 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, North-ayrshire 357 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Australia, Victoria 407 2.0k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, West-lothian 451 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Australia, New-south-wales 470 2.0k
-- Code ? ?
Scotland, Glasgow-city 493 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Australia, Queensland 494 <1k
-- Code ? ?
England, Oxfordshire 586 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Afghanistan, Kunar 706 <1k
-- Code ? ?
England, Somerset 753 <1k
-- Code ? ?
England, Wiltshire 814 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Australia, Northern-territory 825 <1k
-- Code ? ?
England, North-yorkshire 887 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Famous People with name Hamish
Famous People with name Hamish
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