Most Common Surnames in Tagant Region (Mauritania)

Tagant is a region in south-central Mauritania named for the Tagant Plateau. Its capital is Tidjikdja. Other major cities/towns include Tichit and Rachid, Nbeika. The region borders the Mauritanian regions of Adrar to the north, Hodh Ech Chargui to the east, Hodh El Gharbi and Assaba to the south and Brakna to the west. The Aoukar basin, which formerly gave name to the greater region, is located in the southern part of Tagant.

1. M'Bareck 3.2k
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Haven't heard it
2. Mahmoud 2.8k
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Haven't heard it
3. Ahmed 2.5k
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Haven't heard it
4. Sidi 1.6k
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Haven't heard it
5. Mohamed 1.4k
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Haven't heard it
6. Salem 1.4k
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Haven't heard it
7. Ely 1.4k
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Haven't heard it
8. El Abd 1.2k
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Haven't heard it
9. Amar 1.1k
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Haven't heard it
10. Bilal 1.1k
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Haven't heard it
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