Most Common Surnames in Atakora Department (Benin)

Atakora is the northwesternmost department of Benin. Externally it borders Togo to the west and Burkina Faso to the north; internally it borders the departments of Alibori, Borgou and Donga. Major towns in the Atakora include Natitingou and Tanguiéta, and the major tourist areas include the Tata Somba houses, Pendjari National Park, and various waterfalls. The department of Atakora was bifurcated in 1999, with its southern territory removed to form the newly created Donga Department. The capital of Atakora Department is Natitingou; it is after the Atakora Mountains,

1. Sambieni 18.8k
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Haven't heard it
2. Kouagou 18.1k
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Haven't heard it
3. Bio 17.3k
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Haven't heard it
4. N'Tcha 16.7k
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Haven't heard it
5. Orou 15.5k
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6. Kassa 14.6k
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7. Sabi 13.7k
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8. M'Po 12.5k
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Haven't heard it
9. N'Dah 9.3k
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10. Kombetto 9.2k
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Haven't heard it
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