Given Names and Surnames in Zambia

Most Common Surnames In Zambia

Most Common Given Names In Zambia

Random Names in Zambia by Name Generator

Kashweka Lungu
Likando Kangwa
Chipango Katongo
Exildah Chileshe
Biemba Mwape
Kahilu Kabwe
Astridah Mwaba
Namasiku Zulu
Dainess Musonda
Mundia Chama
Astridah Mbewe
Monde Banda
Kakoma Kabwe
Bornface Nyirenda
Olipa Nkhata
Masiye Kunda
Mundia Phiri
Simasiku Chola
Dainess Malambo
Bornwell Mulenga

By Region

Closest Countries to Zambia by Surnames

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