Most Common Surnames in Ta'izz Governorate (Yemen)
Taiz is a governorate of Yemen. The governorate's capital is Taiz, which is the third largest city in Yemen. Today it is the most important commercial centre in Yemen owing to its proximity to the richest farmland in the nation and to the important Red Sea port of Mocha. It also has an international airport, Taiz International Airport, with numerous services within Yemen and to neighbouring countries.
1. Mohamed 253.9k
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2. Ahmed 205.3k
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3. Ali 177.8k
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4. Saeed 127.0k
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5. Abdullah 111.8k
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6. Abdo 77.4k
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7. Hassan 76.2k
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8. Qasim 69.3k
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9. Saleh 67.4k
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10. Saif 66.9k
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