Most Common Surnames in Limpopo ()

Limpopo is the northernmost province of South Africa. It is named after the Limpopo River, which forms the province's western and northern borders. The capital and largest city in the province is Polokwane.

1. Baloyi 60.3k
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Haven't heard it
2. Maluleke 51.6k
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Haven't heard it
3. Chauke 47.7k
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Haven't heard it
4. Ngobeni 43.0k
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Haven't heard it
5. Malatji 41.5k
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Haven't heard it
6. Mudau 35.0k
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7. Mathebula 34.5k
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8. Mulaudzi 25.9k
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Haven't heard it
9. Nkuna 25.2k
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Haven't heard it
10. Ndou 25.0k
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Haven't heard it
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