Most Common Surnames in Andrijevica Municipality (Montenegro)

Andrijevica Municipality is one of the municipalities of Montenegro. The center is the town of Andrijevica. Its territory is outspread on 340 km2 and it is surrounded by massives of mountains Komovi, Bjelasica and Prokletije in northeastern Montenegro.

1. Novović 180
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Haven't heard it
2. Bakić 178
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Haven't heard it
3. Babović 170
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Haven't heard it
4. Marsenić 159
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Haven't heard it
5. Bojović 142
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Haven't heard it
6. Ivanović 113
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Haven't heard it
7. Fatić 105
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Haven't heard it
8. Vukićević 102
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Haven't heard it
9. Lekić 97
Heard it \
Haven't heard it
10. Vulević 94
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Haven't heard it
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