Most Common Surnames in Saga Prefecture (Japan)

Saga Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyūshū. Saga Prefecture has a population of 809,248 and has a geographic area of 2,440 km². Saga Prefecture borders Fukuoka Prefecture to the northeast and Nagasaki Prefecture to the southwest.

1. Yamaguchi 19.7k
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Haven't heard it
2. Tanaka 16.8k
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Haven't heard it
3. Koga 14.3k
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Haven't heard it
4. Matsuo 12.9k
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5. Nakajima 11.9k
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6. Ikeda 9.5k
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7. Nakamura 9.0k
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8. Inoue 8.3k
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9. Furukawa 7.2k
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Haven't heard it
10. Yoshida 7.2k
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Haven't heard it
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