Most Common Surnames in Kumamoto Prefecture (Japan)

Kumamoto Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyūshū. Kumamoto Prefecture has a population of 1,748,134 and has a geographic area of 7,409 km². Kumamoto Prefecture borders Fukuoka Prefecture to the north, Ōita Prefecture to the northeast, Miyazaki Prefecture to the southeast, and Kagoshima Prefecture to the south.

1. Nakamura 24.0k
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Haven't heard it
2. Tanaka 23.9k
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Haven't heard it
3. Matsumoto 19.9k
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Haven't heard it
4. Sakamoto 16.9k
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Haven't heard it
5. Murakami 16.5k
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Haven't heard it
6. Yamamoto 15.3k
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Haven't heard it
7. Ogata 15.1k
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Haven't heard it
8. Yamashita 15.0k
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Haven't heard it
9. Watanabe 14.2k
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Haven't heard it
10. Honda 14.0k
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Haven't heard it
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