Given Names and Surnames in Lesotho

Most Common Surnames In Lesotho

Most Common Given Names In Lesotho

Random Names in Lesotho by Name Generator

'Mateboho Pitso
Tebello Malefane
Nthabeleng Mohapi
Mpho Motsamai
Lerato Mosala
'Malerato Majoro
Nthabiseng Motseki
Itumeleng Makoae
'Matebello Sello
Moleboheng Mofolo
Ts'eliso Thamae
Tumisang Letsie
Sello Motseki
Rethabile Shale
Thabo Sello
Seabata Molefi
Katleho Lesia
Teboho Moiloa
Tiisetso Kao
Lebohang Mohale

By Region

Closest Countries to Lesotho by Given Names

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