Given Names and Surnames in Botswana

Most Common Surnames In Botswana

Most Common Given Names In Botswana

Random Names in Botswana by Name Generator

Keamogetse Tau
Neo Keabetswe
Amantle Mogapi
Lesedi Mokgethi
Kamogelo Mosweu
Lesego Molefe
Dineo Moeng
Amogelang Kelebogile
Tebogo Molatlhegi
Wame Sibanda
Mmoloki Thapelo
Goitsemodimo Medupe
Thato Mogapi
Mompati Kelebogile
Mpho Kgosietsile
Thapelo Mokalake
Khumo Mogotsi
Kabo Mosweu
Tumisang Sechele
Otsile Kenosi

Closest Countries to Botswana by Given Names

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