Forename Wolf
male name
English (Rare)
Ancient Germanic [1]
(en-US, human)
(en-US, robot)
(de-DE, human)
(de-DE, robot)
(nl-NL, robot)
(cs-CZ, robot)
(hu-HU, robot)
(da-DK, robot)
Baby Name Popularity of Name Wolf
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country | Rank | Count |
Germany | 692 | 10.0k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Transnistria | 1023 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Austria | 1172 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Switzerland | 1841 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Wales | 2237 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Hungary | 3056 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Region | Rank | Count |
Germany, Berlin | 462 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Schleswig-holstein | 511 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Baden-württemberg | 571 | 1.5k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Mecklenburg-vorpommern | 583 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Bremen | 627 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Transnistria, Bender-municipality | 636 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Brandenburg | 676 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Austria, Salzburg | 694 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, North-rhine-westphalia | 716 | 2.1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Saxony-anhalt | 720 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Saxony | 735 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Hungary, Jász-nagykun-szolnok-county | 740 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Rhineland-palatinate | 769 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Hungary, Zala-county | 859 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Hungary, Somogy-county | 882 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Switzerland, Canton-of-basel-stadt | 893 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Austria, Styria | 929 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Wales, Monmouthshire | 971 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Austria, Upper-austria | 990 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Austria, Tyrol | 998 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Famous People with name Wolf