Most Common Surnames in Berane Municipality (Montenegro)

Berane Municipality is one of the municipalities in the northern Montenegro. The center is Berane. Until 2013, it covered an area of 544 km2, and it had a population of 33,970 at the 2011 Census. In 2013, however, Petnjica Municipality was formed out of the eastern part of Berane Municipality. The population lowered to 11,073.

1. Šćekić 940
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Haven't heard it
2. Adrović 856
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Haven't heard it
3. Agović 717
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Haven't heard it
Heard it \
Haven't heard it
5. Babović 571
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Haven't heard it
6. Bubanja 495
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Haven't heard it
7. Korać 484
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Haven't heard it
8. Muratović 453
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Haven't heard it
9. Šabotić 445
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Haven't heard it
10. Lutovac 413
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Haven't heard it
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