Given Names and Surnames in Eswatini

Most Common Surnames In Swaziland

Random Names in Swaziland by Name Generator

Nhlanhla Magagula
Bandile Gamedze
Nkosinathi Dlamini
Mbali Ngwenya
Mpendulo Hlophe
Nkosingiphile Gumedze
Wandile Matsenjwa
Lungelo Kunene
Sanele Sifundza
Siphesihle Mkhwanazi
Andile Sihlongonyane
Sipho Dlamini
Ayanda Mamba
Sibusiso Nxumalo
Nomcebo Ndwandwe
Nkosinathi Matsenjwa
Lungile Khoza
Lungelo Tfwala
Mpendulo Msibi
Sanele Kunene

Closest Countries to Swaziland by Surnames

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