Forename Nikole
female name
Baby Name Popularity of Name Nikole
Short & Diminutives
Masculine forms
Other names of same origin
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country | Rank | Count |
Hungary | 1682 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Montenegro | 1842 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Spain | 2103 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Region | Rank | Count |
Montenegro, Tivat-municipality | 224 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Spain, Basque-country | 684 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Hungary, Győr-moson-sopron-county | 871 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Famous People with name Nikole