Forename Katleho

unisex name Southern African Sotho
Other names of same origin
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country Rank Count
Lesotho 83 2.8k
-- Code ? ?
Region Rank Count
Lesotho, Quthing-district 70 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Lesotho, Butha-buthe-district 72 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Lesotho, Maseru-district 73 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Lesotho, Berea-district 73 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Lesotho, Mohales-hoek-district 84 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Lesotho, Leribe-district 98 <1k
-- Code ? ?
Famous People with name Katleho
Famous People with name Katleho
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