Forename Alwine
female name
German (Rare)
(de-DE, robot)
Baby Name Popularity of Name Alwine
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Region | Rank | Count |
Germany, Saarland | 325 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Rhineland-palatinate | 453 | 1.3k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, North-rhine-westphalia | 627 | 2.8k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Bremen | 762 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Paraguay, Boquerón-department | 772 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Germany, Baden-württemberg | 838 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Famous People with name Alwine