Forename Nettie
female name
Baby Name Popularity of Name Nettie
Other names of same origin
Country and Region Rankings By Bearers
Country | Rank | Count |
United-states | 1529 | 20.3k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Scotland | 1532 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Region | Rank | Count |
United-states, Mississippi | 791 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
United-states, Alabama | 812 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Scotland, Angus | 825 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
United-states, Louisiana | 870 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
United-states, South-carolina | 891 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Scotland, Scottish-borders | 898 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
United-states, West-virginia | 978 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
United-states, Kentucky | 987 | <1k |
-- Code | ? | ? |
Famous People with name Nettie